Posted: 03 February 2019
Years 7, 8 & 9 Satellite Program

Starting today (3rd February), at Al Ain English Speaking School, students in Years 7,8 and 9 will be taking part in a new, 6-Week Reward Scheme called ‘Satellites’. The scheme aims to encourage positivity in the classroom and reward students for their hard work and participation in school life.
Students will be given a ‘Satellite Points Card’ during Tutorial on Sunday the 3rdof February and will accumulate points for Great Class work, representing the school’s values, Extra Curricular Activity attendance and punctuality to morning tutorial. They are encouraged to ‘Aim for the Stars’ and be ‘Out of this world.’
There will be various prizes for those achieving high point scores throughout the scheme including: certificates given out weekly to top students in each tutor group, year group leaders and top performing students for all of Year 7, 8 and 9. There will be additional prizes throughout the scheme and at the end an exciting prize for the top performing students, which will be announced over the coming weeks.
The scheme has been put together by Mr. Crocker with the help and support from Mr. Giles, Mr. Irlam and Mr. Ali. Mr. Crocker said, “We’re very excited about the launch of this project and look forward to seeing students achieving great things over the next 6 weeks and beyond. It will be fantastic to give additional rewards to students for their hard work. Myself and the rest of the teachers at Al Ain English Speaking School are looking forward to celebrating their successes.”