23May 17

Posted: 23 May 2017

Year 4’s Egg Drop Challenge

Last Thursday, students in Year 4 competed in the annual Egg-Drop Challenge. Students worked in teams to design, build and test a device that could protect an egg when dropped from the stairs behind the Year 3 building. There were many egg-cellent designs throughout the year group, but only five teams from each class made it to the Grand Final.

When asked if he was nervous, Raawi from 4A replied, “I just hope I don’t “CRACK” under the pressure!” The finals saw some egg-xtraordinary and egg-xtremely successful drops, but in the end it was the group of Matthias, Hashim, Oskari, Hamdan and Moayad that “took the egg”. (Victorian slang for “won”) Congratulations to everyone who took part!







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