Posted: 13 April 2016
Year 4 Egg Drop Winners
‘The Super Strikers’ were the team judged to be the winners, by the Head of Year 5, Ms MacDonald, in the Year 4 Egg Drop Challenge.
“So much fun!”
– Nofer Girgis
Team members Adnan Ahmed and Nofer Girgis were absolutely delighted with their success. Asked if they enjoyed the project, Nofer said it was “So much fun!”
Adnan and Nofer spent 4 days planning, building and testing their machine, using such materials as a salt container, a bin bag, string, bubble wrap, Styrofoam, elastic bands, electrical tape, duct tape and their special secret ingredient, coriander seeds.
The coriander seeds were placed in a salt container and then the egg was wrapped in bubble wrap, placed in the salt container and then topped up with more coriander seeds. They then made the parachute with a bin bag and some string and taped it to the container. Styrofoam balls were taped to the base and finally, washing up sponges were added to the sides, to offer more protection.
When asked what they learned when designing a parachute, Adnan gave some very useful advice: “When building the parachute, it’s better to make it bigger rather than small, because it will sail down slower”
Well done on a superb effort boys and for showing lots of hard work and determination in this project.