08Sep 17

Posted: 08 September 2017

Welcome back to school!

Welcome back to school! We are excited to begin the new school year. We hope your students have all their supplies and their uniforms are ready to go for Sunday.

Please arrive early to make sure all students are in their class line up or Tutor group before 7:30am on Sunday as this is the first day of school.

Primary Students – There will be plenty of Primary Teachers outside directing where the kids need to go. 
**Years 4,5,6 – will line up in the blue area
**Year 3 – go to the the Year 3 building
**Years 2 and 1 – you will be directed to the shaded area behind the KS1 building.
**FS1 and FS2 – TBA

Secondary Students – All boards will be outside the main building with the name of the Tutor Group and room number. **Year 7s – please go to the main hall
**Year 8-11s – please go to your designated tutor group

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