02Jun 16

Posted: 02 June 2016

Victorian Day in Year 4

Year 4 Victoian Day 1

Our four Year 4 classes have today been enjoying a Victorian themed day. Many of the students and teachers came to school dressed in outfits from Victorian Times. Some of the costumes and dresses were quite spectacular!

The students were invited to a traditional British tea party in their classrooms, where they enjoyed such British delights as cups of tea, cakes, biscuits and scones.

Year 4 also got to learn what life was like in a Victorian classroom and must have felt relieved that they didn’t have to attend school in those days!

Year 4 Victoian Day 9
Here are some of the rules that Victorian schoolchildren had to follow:

Victorian school rules
1. Children must stand up to answer questions and wait to be given
permission to speak.
2. Children must call teachers ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’.
3. Children must stand when an adult enters the room.
4. Children must wear clean shoes and clothes.
5. Children must sit and stand with straight backs.
6. Children must use the right hand at all times for writing.
7. Girls must wear their hair tied back with string or plain ribbons.
8. Girls will learn needlework and boys will learn technical drawing.
9. The children will line up, boys and girls separately, with the smallest in
front and the tallest at the back.
10. Prizes will be given for good attendance.
11. Children must not speak unless spoken to.
12. Children must not put their hand up unless told they can do.
13. Children must not ask questions.
14. Jewellery is forbidden.
15. Children who truant, are late, behave badly or do poor work will be
16. Talking and fidgeting will be punished.
17. Counting on fingers is forbidden.
18. Children with fleas, nits or contagious diseases should not attend

Thankfully a lot of these rules were phased out many many years ago.

Here are a few photos of the students enjoying their tea party:

Year 4 Victoian Day 4


Year 4 Victoian Day 7


Year 4 Victoian Day 6


Year 4 Victoian Day 5


Year 4 Victoian Day 10


Year 4 Victoian Day 3



Year 4 Victoian Day 8


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