Posted: 20 June 2017
Uniform Sales for 2017-2018 Academic Year

Dear Parents,
Greetings from AAESS!
In order to have an efficient and effective way of purchasing and ordering the school uniform for Academic Year 2017/2018, kindly note the following:
The sales of the uniforms will be in the PE Hall which will be open from Monday, 4th September to Thursday, 7th September 2017 and on Saturday, 9th September 2017 from 8:30am-2pm. However, we will have an initial sale opening for you and your child/ren on Tuesday, 22nd August to Thursday, 24th August from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm, if you are available. We would advise not to wait until the last minute.
Unlike last year, there is no need to book an appointment but please make sure you have already paid the first term fees otherwise, the student names will not appear on the system hence you will not be able to purchase uniform.
New students are required to purchase the full set of uniform. Please inform the reception so they can give you the order form; you can proceed with immediate payment in the accounts department.
Kindly Note:
- Thursday, 7th September 2017 is exclusive for 6th Form students only.
All uniform items are unique to AAESS and can only be purchased through the school. Please refrain from purchasing alternatives as they cannot be worn (this obviously excludes footwear).
Yours faithfully,
AAESS Administration