Posted: 30 June 2016
Principal’s End of Year Message
Dear All,
So, another academic year finishes as the summer holidays approach and the temperature soars.
Firstly, I would like to thank all of the parents, pupils and staff for making my first year a very enjoyable and memorable one.
The school has under gone much transition yet again, but we will return in the new year, where we will to continue to strive for excellence.
I am looking forward to opening the new Virtual Learning Centre, Sixth Form Common Room and ICT Suites, as well as the new Arabic & Islamic Centre and I also look forward to welcoming some new staff that will help drive the vision and direction that we have for AAESS.
I am also pleased to announce that Mrs Helen McCauley, Deputy Principal and Head of the Primary School, has just completed and passed her Inspector’s course and exams, and is now registered to become a future Irtiqa’a inspector. This is fantastic news that we finish the year with and yet another step for us in achieving excellence.
It is also that time of year when we say goodbye and good luck to some of our student as they graduate from Year 13 and now head, predominately into universities. Likewise I wish all our Year 11s, 12s and 13s the best of luck for their results later in August.
I thank you for your continued support and wish you all a very happy and peaceful Summer. School will restart on the 28th August.
I look forward to seeing you all in the new academic year.
Best wishes
Andrew Thomas B.Ed (Hons) M.Phil NPQH