School Rules & Regulations
These rules and notes for guidance codify the sort of behaviour that will enable individuals and the AAESS School community to function safely, productively and happily. They are not intended to constrain but rather to create an environment which will allow AAESS to develop in a purposeful way.
No set of rules can address all possible situations; therefore common sense must be a powerful guide throughout.
Breaches of rules defined as “Serious Offences” will be brought immediately to the attention of the Assistant Principal and Principal. Such offenses and consequences are listed in the Recognition and Sanctions grid at the conclusion to these rules and notes for guidance. Committing a Serious Offence may lead to suspension or even expulsion. Repeated misdemeanors of a less serious kind may also attract the same decision. In the case of a breach of the law of the land, the police may be informed; this is to ensure both safety and consistency of standards throughout the school.
It is important to remember that the Principal is responsible for the reputation of the School, and in that role reserves the right to protect it; therefore an action which brings the school into disrepute, either inside or outside of term time, may be regarded as a “Serious Offence”.
All pupils are expected to know the School Rules, read notices, refer to their email messages, keep themselves informed, and ask for assistance if needed. Additionally there are specific rules and regulations, which apply to Houses, ICT rooms, the dining hall, laboratories, the swimming pool, the sports buildings and school minibuses and these should also be observed.
The school complies with the regulations and guidance stipulated by ADEC and the Ministry of Education.
General Academic Expectations
Pupils must be punctual for all lessons and activities, prepared with the correct books and equipment.
- Set work should be neatly presented and handed in on time, to the best of the Pupil’s ability.
- Pupils must apply effort in all school activities, and refrain from distracting the learning process.
- Pupils are to follow all reasonable directions from staff, in academic, extra-curricular and pastoral contexts, and to exhibit due respect to all school staff members.
- Books, equipment and other materials should be properly cared for, as should all school property.
- As senior school members with unique needs and responsibilities, Sixth Form students are afforded additional privileges, and are asked to sign a learning agreement. (For further details please see section The Sixth Form)
- As well as following directions concerning internal examinations from the Examinations Officer or the Departmental Head, pupils must also familiarise themselves with the rules governing examinations and assessments and observe them.
- If a pupil must miss a lesson or activity for any reason (for example Learning Support or Music), they must seek the permission of the teacher involved. Where possible, 24 hours’ notice should be given. It is expected that they should apologise if they fail to do so. As all lessons are charged for, pupils are likely to be billed for lessons missed, without forewarning or good reason (for example individual music tuition).
- Work missed through absence must be caught up, unless officially excused from doing so by the subject teacher. It is the pupil’s responsibility to catch up on missing work, homework class notes or tests. (Notes for absences must be provided to the tutor)
- Attendance, punctuality and academic performance are submitted to the Ministry of Education for review. Not meeting the government guidelines may result in repeating the academic year.
- Cheating is unacceptable. Cheating in external examinations or plagiarism in coursework must be reported to the examination board concerned, which could jeopardize the candidate’s GCSEs or A levels across all subjects. This and plagiarism from the Internet are regarded as Serious Offences.
- Unacceptable work, poor classroom behaviour or a lack of punctuality will be challenged. Poor work can be re-set, or other academic work can be set as directed by the member of staff.
- Academic detention may be applied either on a Thursday afternoon, or by being asked to report to the HOD or Assistant Principal at a specified time.
- If a student or group is to be kept behind after school, a minimum period of 24hrs notice will be given to the student, to inform parents.
- Misbehaviour during lessons, break times, ECA’s and public venues will not be tolerated. Students may be asked to be sent to an isolation room or report to Pastoral Services offices during break times and depending on the offence, may be followed up by the guidelines set out in the sanction grid.
- A pupil whose attitude and achievement is unacceptable may be put on academic probation by the relevant Head of Department or Head of Key Stage.
- Consistent or serious failure to meet academic standards may lead to a pupil’s loss of privileges, (sports, prefect or house captain status), academic suspension or removal from the School.