22Mar 20
Posted: 22 March 2020
Online Learning is Live!
Dear Parent/Guardian/Student,
We hope you are all keeping well.
Our online learning is now live! Students will be aware of how to access this, and I thank all of you that have engaged in our trial period last week in helping us to test and review our system. Nursery children through to Year 2, have physical packs available to collect if you haven’t done so already, that support and complement the Pathways on the website: https://www.aaess. org/primary-school/primary- paths/
You will be pleased to learn that AAESS has been given the accolade of being a Lead School by ADEK in these difficult times as a result of our diligent planning. As a result, we have been asked to help other schools in the community.
Our biggest advice is to ensure the students still have routines, and get used to completing their work daily as prescribed by their teachers. We have tried to circumvent as many glitches as possible, but should you experience any issues, please contact us on helpdesk@aaess.sch.ae.
International exams are still scheduled to go ahead, and we are in touch with the exam boards to keep up-to-date with the information. Should anything change, we will of course inform you.
Kind regards
Andrew Thomas B.Ed (Hons) M.Phil NPQH