17Apr 18
Posted: 17 April 2018
GCE/IGCSE Exam Dates for Summer Term

Dear Parents and Students,
For timings for the GCE/IGCSE exams this term, please click here.
Please read the IMPORTANT information below regarding the exams:
- Start times given on this timetable are exact.
- Start times on your statement of entry will only show AM or PM so check here for conversions to real time.
- Arrive at least 20 minutes early.
- Bring Photo ID (Emirates ID or Passport)
- Clear pencil cases.
- Clear bottles for water.
- Where it shows Room TBC – these will be confirmed ASAP and communicated to all candidates.
- Check the Examinations Notice board in the Secondary Corridor for this timetable, updates, important notices.
Any questions or concerns, please contact the exams officer, Rebecca Rowley, at: rrowley@aaess.sch.ae.