24Mar 16

Posted: 24 March 2016

Farewell Ms Dana

After 16 years, yes, 16, Ms Dana, one of our Year 2 teachers, said her farewells today to AAESS.  She is pictured here with the Head of Primary, Mrs McCauley.

The story of Ms Dana is wonderful.  As a little girl she sat as a student in our School.  Today was her final day as a teacher of AAESS, who taught in the very classroom that she herself once sat in as a child!

Ms Dana leaves us to begin her new journey.  She flies to Cyprus to marry, where she will then set up her new home in her home country of Lebanon.  She leaves with our best wishes and thoughts and we are all looking forward to the wedding photographs!  She will be dearly missed by pupils, parents and staff alike.

Dana leaves on this last day of term where the school will now be closed for 2 weeks.  I wish you all a happy spring break, wherever you find yourself in the world.

Andrew Thomas



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