Posted: 24 October 2017
FS1 was very busy last week learning to measure and count in sequence. The children made templates of their feet...
Posted: 19 October 2017
Such a wonderful occasion for Year 3 when none other than The Bosun and Mrs. Tredegar from The Green Ship...
Posted: 18 October 2017
Kindly note that the school will be closed next week for mid-term break. Normal classes will resume on Sunday, 29th...
Posted: 15 October 2017
Posted: 12 October 2017
The Year 3S class have been speaking about respect during their Moral Studies lessons. We discussed the importance of respect...
Posted: 11 October 2017
A wonderful morning was had by all where the Sixth Form and Year 2 students had time to read together....
Dear Parents You are invited to attend the AAESS Parent Council Meet & Greet session on Sunday, October 29th between 12.30pm...
Posted: 09 October 2017
Year 7 boys: The A.A.E.S.S year 7 basketball team did an excellent performance on October 5th. The boys played two...
All games were played in round robin tournaments against Brighton College and Al Ain Academy. Coach Curtis was really impressed with...
Posted: 08 October 2017
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