Posted: 14 December 2017
The Box Project is a wonderful initiative which the Sixth Form Leadership Team organise every year. AAESS students and their...
Posted: 13 December 2017
Last Thursday, classes in Year 4 celebrated the end of their Ancient Civilizations unit by feasting like Aztecs for the...
Posted: 12 December 2017
As we turn our attentions to the winter break, it is time to reflect on the term that finishes. Our students...
Posted: 11 December 2017
Dear Parents, Kind reminder the end of term is on Thursday, 14 December and this is a REGULAR uniform day. Students...
Posted: 10 December 2017
AAESS looks forward to welcoming parents and students to the Year 9 Options evening on Monday, the 11th of December....
Posted: 07 December 2017
Dear Parents of Year 2-6 Students, Please be aware that the dates for Arabic Social Studies have now changed. All Arabic...
Today, Thursday 7th December, the primary school enjoyed the first of two of their Winter Concerts. The children looked fabulous in...
Posted: 06 December 2017
Dear Parents, Don't miss our winter concerts coming up. Please save the following dates: Today at 4:30pm (Ayla Grand Hotel) -...
Posted: 05 December 2017
Dear Parents, Please be advised this is the last week of ECAs. They will resume the week of 14 January 2018. Thank...
Posted: 04 December 2017
Year 11 parents evening will take place tomorrow evening (Tuesday 5th December) from 5pm-7:30pm in the main secondary building. All...
Posted: 29 November 2017
A number of our teachers and students will be representing Al Ain Amblers at the Dubai 7s tournament from 30thNovember...
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