01May 18
Posted: 01 May 2018
Awards for Som Virwani and Myles Domino Church in SCF Values

Last week saw Year 8 students Som Virwani and Myles Domino Church both received an Excellence award for completing all of the Student Competence Framework (SCF) Values during Term 2.
They are the only 2 students in the whole of secondary school to complete this award.
It works like house points but have gone above and beyond a normal house point. They receive an SCF sticker for showing teachers that they have correctly used an SCF value within tutor time, lesson time or around school.
These values are resilience, respect, empathy, integrity, honesty, care and tolerance
Care – feeling concern or compassion for or having an interest in someone or something; to be mindful of the needs of others.
Empathy– is the ability to see things from another’s perspective It is the ability to ‘walk in someone else’s shoes.
Honesty – is the quality of knowing and distinguishing between right and wrong, and acting fairly; being truthful.
Integrity – is related to honesty – Integrity is how we turn honesty into action – it is having the character and courage to do what is right and fair.
Resilience – is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It implies self-confidence and mental toughness.
Respect – is a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious or worthy and should be treated in an appropriate way.
Tolerance – is the willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own
Way to go!