Posted: 21 November 2017
AAESS Box Project

Dear Parents and Guardians
It’s fast approaching that time of the year when we are all making plans for our winter holidays to be with family and friends. It is a time of giving and showing appreciation. Traditionally at AAESS the Student Leadership in Secondary have collected basic goods for our support staff and in a very special assembly in Primary and Secondary at the end of the term, the staff are presented with a box of goodies and a huge thank you from our students for all their efforts and hard work throughout the year, that we often never see.
This year we have allocated each year group with options of ‘goodies’ to collect to put in the boxes. You can however buy anything if these are not available. The list is as follows;
- Foundation Stage: Body wash, Coffee, Biscuits and Hand cream
- Year 1: Facecloth, Spaghetti/noodles, Refillable water bottle, Sweets
- Year 2: Body lotion, T shirts, Cooking oil (small size)
- Year 3: Female perfume, Shampoo, Crisps, Chocolates
- Year 4: Small bag of rice, Vest, Milk powder/coffee creamer (small size)
- Year 5: Male deodorant/ aftershave, Cap, Toothpaste, Sweets
- Year 6: Socks (male and female), Sugar (small size), Hand Sanitiser
- Year 7: Bar of Soap, Tinned food, Sweets
- Year 8: Blanket, Female hair band/clips, Teabags
- Year 9: Mug, Female scarf, Tinned food, Biscuits
- Year 10: Soup in packet, Razors (men)
- Year 11: Chocolates, Toothbrush, Sweets
- Sixth Form: Hairbrush, Tinned Food, Sweets, Biscuits
Please send the item into school to your class teacher/form tutor between now and the 7th of December. A Secondary Prefect will collect them from the teacher to put in the boxes.
If you require any further explanation, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanking you and kind regards
Mrs Luanne Cash
Head of Sixth Form