Posted: 26 January 2016
AAESS attends MUN
Twenty one students from AAESS are currently attending the Model United Nations conference in Qatar. Leadby Toby Payne, the conference brings students together from around the world to learn and share ideas from a diverse set of experiences and backgrounds. The conference attracts around 2000 participants from Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The conference venue is the new Qatar National Convention Center. This world class facility provides delegates with modern facilities, a 2400 seat auditorium for opening and closing ceremonies, and the latest in AV equipment. There are a wide variety of committees students can participate in. Students can take part in General Assembly, Disarmament, Human Rights, and Environment Committees. THIMUN Qatar also has a Special Committee and an Advisory Panel that focus on the major issues in the host region. Students wishing to develop their journalism skills may also participate as members of the Press Team.
Toby was selected from the vast number of applicants to address the conference with his speech that he submitted to the committee. Only 8 candidates are selected for this vital and prestigious role. We wish them all the very best and can’t wait to hear their experiences on their return.
Mrs Cash, who escorts the students with Miss Harte, went us this update:
After a fun, relaxing day yesterday it was an early start this morning with loads of nervous excitement at the breakfast table. The QNCC (Qatar National Convention Centre) is buzzing with students who cannot wait to write resolutions and get the ‘show on the road’ after months of preparations. The building itself is magnificent with a gigantic Louise Bourgeois sculpture in the centre of the foyer area – a dream for any art teacher to see.
Most of the day is spent in Committee meetings and at 3pm we attend the Opening Ceremony where Toby Payne our Ambassador to Bosnia Herzegovina who is one of 6 delegates out of almost 2000, has been chosen to deliver his opening speech which is a huge honour and a tribute to Toby’s hard work and passion for MUN.
We travel back to the hotel at 5pm after a long day and will have a break before going for dinner.