Posted: 22 January 2017
Water Rockets
3, 2, 1, and we have lift off!!!
In November last Term the Emirates Aviation University launched their first ever National Water Rocket Challenge.
25 students across Years 10-13 have regularly been attending our AAESS Water Rocket Challenge Club in preparation for the National competition at the end of the January.
Last week, we saw our interschool competition between our groups to decide which students would go through to the final at the EAU on the 28th January.
Great fun was had by all; staff included! Sportsmanship was seen at its best and great camaraderie shown as each group launched their rockets across the school field. Whilst the girls almost had it in the bag, final congratulations went to Altar Tendurus and Usman Tahirwith a winning distance was over 50m! They will be accompanied by Hirad Meshkat, Emin Altonchi and Raghad Al Shoubaki to the competition final next week. Please wish them the best of luck if you see them around school.