19Sep 16

Posted: 19 September 2016

MyiMaths Information

Guidance for parents 

Early this week, your child was given information about the exciting online mathematics program, along with his or her unique username and password.  In the past, many students have improved their Maths skills on-line at MyiMaths, and we are looking forward to seeing how well each one will progress this year.

The online homework will help them to structure their Maths work and enable you to see how they are progressing. The following information will help you support your child in accessing and using MyiMaths.

How to access MyiMaths

Go to www.myimaths.com and login at the top of the page with the school’s username and password. On the next page your child should enter their personal username and password in the My Portal box. MyiMaths will then remember who they are and automatically log them in to the tasks.

Login Details

The school username and password is given on the letter sent home.

If your child has been set a task by their teacher it will appear in the Homework area. There is a link to the lesson if they want to revise first, and a link to the homework itself. When your child completes both pages of an Online Homework the scores will be saved to the database. You as a parent will be able to view it by logging in under their username and then click on “My results”.

Their teacher will be able to see how well they did and can leave feedback. If a green star appears next to a topic, they have good skills in that area. If an amber star appears they still have some difficulties. If a red star appears they need to go back and relearn the topic. Get them to try the lesson again or ask their teacher for extra help. If you want to work with your child, an effective strategy is to pretend that you have forgotten how to do something and ask them to show you how. Putting your child in the position of “teacher” is good for their confidence and gets them to talk about their thinking.

If no links are working it might imply that you have a Pop-Up Blocker. You will have to must allow MyiMaths to use Pop-Ups. We suggest you add www.myimaths.com to your list of trusted sites.

Please contact your child’s maths teacher if you have any more questions, or you can email Mrs. Nel at snel@aaess.sch.ae

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