Arabic & Islamic Curriculum

Arabic & Islamic Curriculum

The teaching of Arabic Language in AAESS follows the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Education in the UAE.

Arabic Language is an obligatory subject for all students regardless of nationality. According to the Ministry of Education regulations, students are defined by reference to their passport as being or a non native Arabic speaker.

The teaching of Arabic Language at AAESS follows the rules and regulations of the Ministry of Education in the UAE. Arabic Language is an obligatory subject for all students regardless of nationality. According to the Ministry of Education regulations, students are defined by reference to their passport as being a native or a non-native Arabic speaker.

  • A student who is a native Arabic speaker will take Arabic 1
  • A student who is a non-native Arabic speaker will take Arabic 2
Arabic 1 is taught entirely in Arabic, while Arabic 2 is taught in Arabic and English. In studying Arabic, pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. It enables them to express themselves and communicate in an Arabic-speaking society. Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 learn to speak confidently and listen to what others have to say, to read and write independently with enthusiasm and to use language to explore their own experiences. Arabic is taught by well trained teachers who are able to employ a wide range of teaching and learning strategies, present a lesson that motivates the students, provide useful and relevant language practice, and help the students gain confidence in using Arabic. Our Arabic teachers adapt instruction to take into account differences in students’ learning styles, capabilities and needs. The Ministry’s curriculum is supplemented by the school, where this will better meet the individual needs of a child. The curriculum helps promote a deep interest and respect for Arabic culture and traditions. We upholster the Arabic curriculum with different fun class activities, educational games and trips. Teachers are aware of the stages which students pass through from the beginner level to the highest level, in order to achieve the best possible results. We often communicate with parents through workshops, to familiarise them with the curriculum and our methods of teaching, and we also hold continuous meetings between the teacher and the parents of the students.
Since all the nations are concerned about their languages, and try hard to spread them around the globe, we should regard our Arabic language highly, as it is the cause of our unity and the language of our Qur’an. Although it is the responsibility of the whole nation to be concerned about their language, the responsibility of the teacher is greater, as through him and his teaching methods, the young students can enjoy the language, if these methods are consistent with the modern teaching.

AAESS is proud to teach our students the Arabic language, and seeks always to recruit qualified and experienced teachers who are able to use modern, educational and interesting methods. Since AAESS is offering the British National curriculum we find that a large number of the students are non-Arabs. This gives the school and the teacher the responsibility to teach them Arabic through using audio-visual aids, according to the student’s individual need. As for the Arab students, the school is using the local curriculum from the Ministry of Education. It is a limited subject, but the teacher is always free to be creative and present the subject in an interesting way, to enhance the student’s love of his mother language. The teacher is doing his/her educational role as he/she is encouraging the students to behave well and love their country and learn how to treat others sensibly, as well as teaching them the right pronunciation and how to read properly.

Islamic Studies in AAESS

provides Islamic Studies for all Muslim students. The curriculum is built on exploring verses of the Qur’an, and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (Hadith). It aims to give pupils a clear, thorough understanding of Islamic teachings, moral behaviour and Islamic etiquette. As well as the above, some of the important figures in Islamic history are also studied, such as the lives of Prophets: Adam, Moses, Jesus and, of course Muhammad. Students also learn about Muslims’ contribution to modern science. Our school uses the Ministry’s curriculum of Islamic Studies in UAE for Arabs and for the Non-Arabs. From the Academic year 2011-2012, a new curriculum has been introduced; it consists of a series “I love Islam” for Primary students and “Learning Islam” for Secondary students. The Islamic Studies Department in AAESS aims at creating an enjoyable, practical method of learning and teaching Islam. The school holds the subject in great importance and offers to care for the Muslim community in the best possible way.

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