Posted: 05 December 2016
2016 Science Fair
It’s been a long time coming…………..but the winners this this year’s AAESS Science Fair were finally announced in yesterday’s Secondary Assembly!
The Fair took place in October and involved 30 participants from year 7-13 who worked in either groups or as individuals on a Science project of their interest.
Projects covered a vast range including; investigating the best recipe for the ‘Fire Snake’, trying out different method to help us hold our breathe longer to become a successful pearl diver, the use of temporary roundabouts to ease traffic congestion and seeing whether smell affected how we taste different foods.
Fun was had by all and all classes from Year 3 and above were invited to visit and take part in the activities in the Hall. Our hope is that their participation will inspire our younger learners to become our critical thinker s and innovators of the future.
It was a closely run contest for second and third place but there was one out right winner who took a whopping 47% of the Staff and Sixth Form vote. Our congratulations go to the winners detailed below and to all who participated in the Fair.
1st Place – Ultrasonic Blind People – Hiva Mashkati, Mohamed Ismail, Fadi Eid Katrina
Our design was an innovative prototype device that will successfully assist a blind person as they travel on foot in their day-to-day lives.
Our initial thought was to make a device that would be situated on the user’s head or waist (perhaps on a hat or belt) and would trigger some sort of alarm when the device detected a wall, warning the user of the oncoming obstruction. We now want to take this further by making a device that would alert the user of more distant obstacles if the user was moving more quickly (i.e., running).
2nd Place – Free Electricity – Yassir Abdalla, Mohamed Bakoush
We wanted to design a way to produce electricity in a renewable process, involving turned mechanical energy into electrical energy, in our research we came across piezoelectricity.
3rd Place – Bottle Flipping – Victor Vreugdenberg, Saurav Arun, James Thomas
We investigated a range of different shape and size of bottles and experimented with different volumes of water to find the best combination to successfully flip a bottle 360 degrees and land upright!