Posted: 22 March 2016
Year 4 Egg Drop
Recently, our Year 4 classes took part in an “Egg Drop” challenge as part of their studies.
They were set one task:
Design something that can protect an egg from braking when dropped from very, very high.
The machines were painstakingly designed, built and decorated, some last minute adjustments were made, then the top of the fire escape at the rear of the Year 3/Library building was chosen as the launch point. The Year 4 teachers were given the honour of dropping each design from a great height!
There were some ingenious designs built, some that did the job perfectly, which protected the egg from breaking on hitting the ground down below, but also some that landed with an almighty…SPLAT!
Very well done to all of Year 4 – every machine was unique and a lot of thought and consideration had obviously been given to all of the designs. A lot of extremely hard work was clearly put into this project!