Posted: 27 April 2016
The Arab Reading Challenge Program
برعاية كريمة من الدكتور سالم الدرمكي- مستشار وزير الصحة وعضو بمجلس إدارة المدرسة، كرمت مدرسة العين الناطقة بالإنكليزية طلابها الأعزاء ممن أنهى قراءة وتلخيص خمسين كتابا، ضمن مسابقة -تحدي القراءة العربي – وحضر الحفل كلا من أولياء أمور الطلاب، وأعضاء مجلس الإدارة في المدرسة، والمشرفين القائمين على المسابقة. وقد تمنى الحضور للطلاب مزيدا من التقدم والنجاح وتحقيق أفضل النتائج في التصفيات الثانية للمسابقة، والتي ستقام في دبي.
- سارة عاطف الصف 2
- سلمى ماهر الصف 3
- محمد شحادة الصف 4
- محمد إمام الصف 5
- حمزة طحاينة الصف 5
- علي غيثان الصف 6
- رنيم عبد السلام الصف 7
- فاطمة الأميري الصف 7
- مزن المسكري الصف 8
Last September, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice President and Ruler of Dubai, set the ambitious goal of getting a million children in the region to read 50 Arabic books each.
Sheikh Mohammed announced the Arab Reading Challenge on his Twitter account, with more than US$3 million (Dh11m) in rewards for teachers, pupils and their families – and $1m for the top school.
“Reading opens minds, magnifies hunger for knowledge and instils the values of openness and moderation that define great civilisations,” he said.
“The Arab World is suffering from a reading crisis whose consequences we see and feel every day in this region.
“The Arab Reading Challenge will inspire one million children each to read 50 books outside the school curriculum in one year. It will be followed by many initiatives. The goal is to create a new generation, a new hope and a new reality.
“We set this challenge for the Arab education sector, Arab parents and Arab children and youth. We have every faith in their abilities to achieve it.”
Earlier this week, under the patronage of Dr. Salem Al Darmaki – the Minister of Health Adviser and an AAESS Board of Trustees member, Al Ain English Speaking School honoured 9 students who have finished reading and summarizing fifty books for The Arab Reading Challenge Program. This ceremony was attended by both the students’ parents, and board members of the school, as well as competition supervisors. All attendees have wished the students further progress and success and to achieve the best results in the second phase of the competition, which will take place in Dubai.
You can find full details of the Arab Reading Challenge by clicking HERE
Students List
- Sarah Atef Class 2R
- Salma Maher Class 3M
- Hamza AL Tahainah Class 5RM
- Mohamed Shehada Class 4P
- Ali Ghobashy Class 6DW
- Mohamed Mazin Imam Class 5TM
- Ranim Abdulsalam Year 7
- Fatima Al Daheri Year 7
- Muzn Al Maskari Year 8
The students who will move to the second phase in Dubai are:
Sarah Atef Class 2R
Ali Ghobashy Class 6DW
Mohamed Mazin Imam Class 5TM
Ranim Abdulsalam Year 7
Muzn Al Maskari Year 8