School Routine
Ramadan School Timings
During Ramadan, school hours are adjusted to support our students and families. Please see the temporary schedule below.
Monday to Thursday:
9am - 2pm
9am - 12pm
Regular School Timings
Our standard school hours will resume after Ramadan. See the schedule below.
The school week runs from Monday to Thursday 7.40am to 2.30pm and Friday 7.40am to 12.00pm.
After school clubs, for those taking, part run until 15:20.
Time | Description |
07:05 – 07:30 | Children may enter the playground. The Head or Deputy will make the decision if the weather conditions are inappropriate for children to play outside, in which case children should go to their classrooms |
07:30 – 07:35 | Line Up and National Anthem |
07:40 | Registration and Lessons |
10:20 – 10:40 | Playtime |
10:40- 12:40 | Lessons |
12:40 – 13:10 | Lunch break |
13:10 – 14:30 | Lessons |
14:30 | Children are collected from their respective areas by parents / carers or named person(s). The teacher will ensure the child leaves with a named adult. Children taking part in Extra Curricular Activities go to their clubs. Children using a bus service will be escorted from their classrooms by LSA’s |
14:40 – 15:20 | Extra Curricular Activities (for children taking part) |
Please note: Preschool has the same start and finish times but will have adapted school day to accommodate the children’s particular needs. If there is any change to the school day or week you will receive prior notice |
Late Arrival
School recognises that good punctuality and attendance are important life skills and as part of our new Punctuality and Attendance Policy, we are aiming for 96%+ attendance and punctuality. Arriving late at school is unsettling for all children and staff. Please ensure that your child arrives in plenty of time. Children arriving after registration will be marked as late. Registration (taking attendance) is a crucial time of day where outline instructions are given for the rest of the day. Your support in getting your child to school on time is appreciated..
End of Day Collection
Children should be collected in person at the end of the school day (14:30). They will not be allowed to go to the gate or car park alone and must be collected by the parent/ guardian or named individual. Each class teacher will explain where children from that class must be collected. If you know that you are going to be late, please let us know at school so that we can tell your child and him/she doesn’t get anxious. Please note, supervising children that have not been collected means that staff are taken away from their work of school improvement, preparation, planning and assessment. At the end of the day, both school gates will be open to ease congestion.