Key Stage One
This Key Stage of four parallel classes of Year 1 and Year 2.

It is our aim to ensure that all children feel secure and content in their classroom environment. We are committed to delivering a curriculum that is stimulating and creative. Our staff, both teachers and support staff, are constantly adapting and improving the curriculum to allow each individual pupil to develop into confident happy life-long learner.
We are continuously implementing new initiatives to allow the children the opportunity to build on existing skills. As in the rest of the school, curriculum development is on-going in order to provide the very best opportunities for the children with their unique and varying learning styles and needs.
The staff in Key Stage One are excellent classroom practitioners and are committed to achieving the best for every child. We are aware of the importance of parents as partners and strive to ensure every parent feels part of their child’s learning experience. We at AAESS understand that together both teachers and parents can guarantee that each child reaches their full potential.