Posted: 13 June 2016
P.E. Kit Changes For 2016/2017 School Year
Dear Parent/ Guardian,
I do hope your son/ daughter has enjoyed PE lessons this year.
There are some changes that you need to be aware of for next year.
It is now a requirement from the Football Association that players at any level must wear shin pads when involved in football. PE kit for next year will therefore include shin pads for football this will also be true for ECA’s and fixtures.
Shin pads are easily bought at local sports shops for a minimal cost. PE socks will be required to place over the shin pad. Fortunately the school has sourced long socks for PE and we will expect that all students, irrespective of the sport, to wear these socks during PE lessons and afterschool activities.
During swimming lessons we ask due to health and safety that all students with shoulder length hair or longer wear a swimming cap in addition we encourage all students to wear goggles when participating in swimming lessons.
We will continue to lend kit out if your son/ daughter forgets their kit. But we will not be lending swimming costumes.
I wish you all a restful and pleasant summer.
Yours sincerely
Ms Suzanne Eagles
(Director of Physical Education)
Please click the link here “PE kit and Shin pads letter“ to see the letter in full.