31May 17

Posted: 31 May 2017

Incorrect Article in the National Newspaper

Dear All,

They say that you shouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspapers; well, as we all woke this morning, I’m sure that like you, my phone was pinging with questions about an article written in the National Newspaper today (31st May 2017), regarding a ban on new parents.

Back in March, we were given a government decree that stated no local families could be accepted and all of the parents that this affected were informed.  Today’s report is misleading and unfair, and I will be taking this up with the editor of the newspaper.

ADEC too have confirmed our position today and as always, have been very supportive.  Below is a copy of the circular that we were sent and acted on at the time as requested.

I hope this clarifies the situation and saves our battery life on our phones today!

As always, the school is moving in a very positive manner and I am looking forward to welcoming the inspection team in November to show them what a good school we are.

Ramadan Kareem

Andrew Thomas  B.Ed (Hons) M.Phil NPQH





السيد مدير المدرسة. المحترم

تحية وبعد

بالإشارة الى قرار حكومة دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة بخصوص الموضوع أعلاه ، يمنع على المدراس ذات الأداء الضعيف والضعيف جداً تسجيل طلبة إماراتيين جدد أو منتقلين اليها العام الدراسي 2017-2018 والأعوام التالية وذلك حفاظاً على مستواهم الأكاديمي وضماناً لهم للحصول على تعليم نوعي في المدراس ذات الأداء العالي وعليه يتحمل مدير المدرسة مسؤولية تسجيل او قبول اي طالب إماراتي او من أم إماراتية في المدرسة للعام القادم والأعوام التالية وحتى حصول المدرسة على تقييم ارتقاء جيد أو أفضل.
على مدير المدرسة نشر البريد الاكتروني هدا في لوحات الإعلانات المدرسية وعلى موقع المدرسة الاكتروني وتزويد قسم التسجيل والمالية بنسخة منه وإعلام أولياء الأمر بهذا القرار.

مع الشكر

إدارة الترخيص والاعتماد
Dear Principal,

Based on UAE government decision, weak and very weak performing schools are not allowed to enroll or accept transfer of Emirati Students or students of Emirati Mum into school for 2017 -2018 onwards , until the school inspection issued report is good or better.
School principal will be responsible of ensuring that the above is met .
The principal must post this message on school notice board, school website and inform the parents, the school registrar, admission and finance staff of such decision.


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