Health Care Centre
The school has full time nurses who deal with any injuries and illnesses which occur during school hours. They are not on duty before 7.30am or after 3.00pm.

It is vital that all medical forms given to families are correctly filled out and returned. Please ensure that all medical information and contact details are current. If your child has been diagnosed as having a specific health concern, then please supply the nurses with a doctor’s report clarifying details and management of medication whilst your child is in school. If your child has a medical or behavioral concern that will impact on his/her education or social status, please supply reports and doctor reports to assist us in supporting your child to the fullest. If your child requires medication at school it must be handed by an adult to the school nurse and not the class teacher. It should be in the original container and be clearly labelled with the medicine’s name, reasons for taking and how to administer. Please do not send medication to school via your child’s lunch box/cooler. This is potentially extremely dangerous.
There are two breaks in the day. The timing of these is different in each class. First break is at 10.00am for most children and lasts for 15 minutes. Second break/lunch is at 12.15pm for 30 minutes. The children eat their snack and then, weather permitting, play outside.
Learning at AAESS is about the whole child and not just academic achievement. A healthy diet can help concentration and learning. Promoting healthy lifestyles and good eating habits are an essential part of our work as a school. Chocolate, biscuits, cakes, sweets, nuts, chewing gum and carbonated drinks are not allowed. All food items should be in non-breakable containers and no glass bottles should be used. It is advisable to place small ice packs in the lunch boxes. The boxes are kept in air conditioned areas.

Since some children have special diets or allergies, the children are encouraged not to swap food items with other children and to eat as much as they can. All uneaten food is left in the lunch box to be taken home to enable you to make informed decisions about your child’s balanced diet. Children must bring a water bottle/flask to school daily. There are cold water coolers around the school and children are encouraged to refill their bottles during break times. We do not keep cups next to the water machines to avoid wastage and reduce litter. Children are encouraged to drink as much water as they can particularly in the hotter months and during PE.
It is imperative that children wear hats outside at all times. If your child is without a hat he/she will be directed to sit in a shaded area throughout break times. In the hotter months it is also advisable to apply sun screen to your child before the start of the school day. We have many shaded areas around the school and misting systems to cool in various locations. In extreme heat, the outside play time may be reduced.
In conjunction with Al Ain School Health Department, an annual immunization program is undertaken at AAESS. Parents will be informed about the program. No immunization will be given without prior written consent from the parent or guardian. You are kindly requested to provide details of any immunizations performed in your home country or other health care facility to the school nurse prior to joining AAESS.