Posted: 24 May 2016
Art Week at AAESS
Art week at AAESS starting Sunday 29 May 2016
What will happen during Art week?
As well as the usual Art curriculum time, the children will also research some famous works of art within their class and take part in art workshops. We also encourage students to complete an art project at home.
What are the art categories to be completed at home?
All artwork must be labeled with the child’s name. Flat art must also be backed on black paper.
The Art categories to be completed at home have been divided into categories with these titles:
Painting – People
Photography – Multicultural or Seasons
Sketching – Landscapes
Sculptures – Everyday or historical objects
Maximum size of Flat Artwork = A3. Maximum dimensions of sculptures – 30 x 30 x 30 cm
Children may create their projects with a friend, sibling or individually.
Parents are invited to come and view the art exhibition at school, which will be displayed in the corridors and central areas on Sunday 29 May – Tuesday 31 May
AESGC Art Exhibition
Some art work done at home and in class may be chosen to go to an Art Exhibition! The exhibition is at The Grand Stand Building, AESGC (Al Ain Equestrian Shooting Golf Club) and this is where we hold our annual event of ‘Art, Music and Drama’ Celebration.
Important Dates
From Now – Children begin art works
Sunday 29th – Tuesday 31 May work is displayed round the school
A select number of works will be sent and set up at the Art Exhibition, AESGC
Wednesday 1 June 4.30pm – 7.30pm Art Exhibition, Grand Stand Building, AESGC.
How can you help further?
Finally, if you work in the ‘creative’ area or have a hobby and would like to give a talk to a year group, please let the class teacher of your child know.
We look forward to displaying a wide variety of creative, individual Art pieces!
Kind regards,
The Art Committee