21Nov 16

Posted: 21 November 2016

Administration of Medication – Letter from the Clinic

Dear Parents,

One of our School Clinic Policy is the ‘Administration of Medication’. Our aim is that those with medical needs receive proper care and support in our school.  Therefore, we have set forth special provisions that must be followed especially when administering both prescribed and non-prescribed medication, to the students while they are at school.

Students are not allowed to carry their own medicine; as all medicine should be kept with the nurses. The nurses will make sure they give the students the medicine at the right time according to the directions that have been received from the parents.

Please review the attached policy on the ‘Administration of Medicine Procedures’ so that we can safely give the suitable medication to your child when needed.

Your cooperation is highly appreciated.  For further inquiries and clarification, please do not hesitate to call the School Nurse.

You can read the policy here:  Administration of Medicine Policy


Nurse Fay Pagulayan                                                               Nurse Kent Go
fpagulayan@aaess.sch.ae                                                        kgo@aaess.sch.ae

Tel: +971 3 767 86 36 / 7 / 1



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