Posted: 26 April 2016
AAESS Alumni
The AAESS alumni group was created in September 2011. The group grew steadily within the first month and to date contains 710 members. The members consist mostly of past students and teachers. Current students have also joined. The group provides an opportunity for past students to update the school on where they are in the world and what their current pursuits are. Current students are motivated when they read about the many accomplishments of our past students and many senior students have been motivated to become more ambitious in their career choices as a result. It is amazing to think that what started as a small school in Al Ain has produced such a wealth of diverse and successful individuals.
Some members in the group were students at the school 25 years ago. Amongst the members is a US councillor, a published author, cutting edge scientists and students who have passed through many prestigious universities all over the world.
We hope that membership continues to grow and intend to use the alumni to arrange reunions for students passing through Al Ain.
Please Contact for more information.
Mr. Zaheer Abass
You can find the AAESS Alumni Facebook page HERE.